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Higher Nature Coloclear Extra 90s

Higher Nature Coloclear Extra 90s


Helps manage bloat, keep you comfortable and your digestive system on top. Fibre is needed in the diet to keep your bowels moving, and for the friendly gut flora to thrive. Our new and improved formula includes almost three times as many live bacteria – excellent news for your gut microbiome! Includes natural flax fibre and live bacteria strain Bacillus coagulans which is one of nature’s hardiest strains and very resilient to stomach acid. Carefully selected botanicals including aloe vera, fennel seed and liquorice root provide added benefit. Take daily for an easy, convenient way to restore gut balance and regularity. Keep your digestive system smiling!


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Product Description

  • Aids normal bowel movement to help beat the bloat
  • Probiotics + Flax seeds
  • Fennel seed + Liquorice root
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