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A.Vogel Milk Thistle Complex Drops

A.Vogel Milk Thistle Complex Drops


In Milk Thistle Complex Alfred Vogel brings the seeds of this very prickly plant together with four other important herbs – Dandelion, Artichoke, Peppermint, and Boldo – whose beneficial effects have been known for centuries. Available in both liquid and tablet form. Milk Thistle Complex is a fantastic remedy for an overworked, hung-over liver struggling with the toxic burden placed upon it daily. If your bowel has been sluggish for years this remedy will be urgently needed. Other indications that the liver is not in peak condition are bad periods (in women), bad skin, a metallic taste in the mouth, unfair weight gain especially around the abdomen, lethargy, problems with temperature regulation and anaemia. Milk Thistle Complex contains not just the famous Milk Thistle that helps protect and regenerate liver cells, but also Dandelion Root to nourish the liver and assist bile production (bile helps to break down fats and encourages the bowel to move) and Cynara to aid the metabolism of fats and cholesterol. To maximise the effect of your liver cleanse, avoid these liver-burdeners: alcohol, coffee, dairy products, refined sugar and fatty, fried foods.


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Product Description

  • Nourishing for your liver
  • Cleansing and detoxifying
  • Enhanced with extracts of peppermint, artichoke, and dandelion
  • Grown organically and prepared using freshly harvested herbs
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