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Omnium Multivitamin Tablets 60’s (Solgar)

Omnium Multivitamin Tablets 60’s (Solgar)


Solgar omnium multivitamin tablets contain a range of vitamins & minerals and are suitable for vegetarians & vegans. It contains among other vitamins vitamin D and vitamin B12 Vitamin D increases the uptake of calcium in the body which is necessary for strong bones, helps in the control of cell growth, normal muscle and immune system function, and reduction of inflammation. Vitamin B12 helps in the formation and division of red blood cells, protecting the nervous system, synthesizing a person’s DNA, and providing the body with energy. Other vitamins play different roles in the body to contribute to a healthy life. It also contains minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc & folic acid. It is a multi-functional formulation working to support the immune system, helping with fatigue, boosting concentration and alertness, balancing the sleep cycle, and protecting body cells from attack by free radicals. Free radicals are unstable chemicals released as byproducts of normal body processes. If not neutralized, these free radicals might cause massive cell deaths and lead to diseases.

Products that protect cells are known as anti-oxidants. This product acts as an effective anti-oxidant which comes as a convenient once-daily dose formulation.


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Product Description

  • Promotes immune system health.
  • Anti-oxidants protect cells against free radicals.
  • Enhances wakefulness and alertness.
  • Management of fatigue.
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